Some Rambling Thoughts on the Present Predicament of Humankind
I am opening my Weblog with this spontaneous rambling.
At the moment I am in a philosophical frame of mind. Of course everyone who has matured to think for him(her)self does get into that sometimes. But then no more time just now for philosophy, or for speculating on what next after that bloody explosion in Hyderabad's Mecca mosque - for the tides of the outside world dash against you with force, and then, no more philosophy. You think of what to do for yourself, in the office environment of rivalries and forces of the 'executive jungle'; what to do for your life partner, and if you are a father, what to do for your children's future, and so forth. Or just how not to cut a sorry figure slipping on the delivery of your project over which you toiled and moiled and brought the thing to a shape but for that one final look to do something about those bloomers that entered in your draft, and smoothen out the Report, which just could not get time!
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