I wanted to write a blog before the month comes to an end. So that June does not go away with a 'nil' contribution to my blog account. Yes, I did produce a lot of thoughts as I wrote a huge lot on the topic of Consciousness as perhaps the most engaging concern of an increasing number of scientists in both physics and biological sciences. Of course, religious thinkers and philosophers through century after century have never ceased to expound their thinking, based on speculation, generally resting on certain authorities which should not be questioned. The account was shaping quite well, at least as I supposed, but alas due to an inadvertent mis-typing of a key the whole bulk was gone into nowhere!, leaving only the first sentence in tact. I believe I typed the stuff - quite fast as Ihave been typing all my company reports for years, myself, and thus gained a lot of skill at speed typing, the only restraint arising due to the commitment to see that the sense intended is cogently presented and does not deviate in precision from the thought flow.
And so I defer continuing this for tomorrow, or rather 'a tomorrow' which will come, and come hopefully very soon!
I read your response/comments on a blog E=MC2 about the topic of Vedas vs Modern Science..you were as brilliant as you were methodical...the owner of that blog may never realize it but surely there are people like me who do...
I agree with you that instead of comparing them, we should complementing them i.e. Particle Physics and dimensionality are a great and "convenient" tool to understand Advaita...
These days I keep googling or youtubing on this topic and the more fascinating particle physics/Dimensions..it has become a hobby for me..you might a website called http://www.tenthdimension.com, very interesting...check it out..
We should communicate more often :)
I am glad that you found my comments (Rambling thoughts) on the 'Sujai blog' E =MC2 my blog, interesting. I am happy to know I have thus got another person who is rather on my wavelength on this subject. Also, I am going to study the website on 10th dimension, on which I have seen a youtube video, sometime back.
I have downloaded selected youtube make comments
Some garbling/typo occurred in what I wrote just a while ago. I wanted to say, I have downloaded a no. of selected Youtube video clips on the topics of particle physics and the 'additional' dimensions of reality. These are on the borderlines dividing philosophy, spirituality and materialit, and physics.
I am downloading, for viewing when it is completed, the Youtube video on the 10th dimension, which you have kindly brought to my notice. Thank you.
I shall certainly visit your blog and hope to continue our communication.
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