Saturday, July 28, 2007

World of India!

World of India!

Going through the various comments, I wish to add my own - but definitely without hating the comentators so as to appear more 'nationalstic' (or is it more 'patriotic' - so many 'great' people confuse us with their definitions of these terms!), but merely making bold to say what I think many, many like-minded people also feel. Reading the comments one finds that we, as a nation, or society, or whatever, do not care a daman about our pride, prestige, which will be recognized when there is minimum of food, shelter and clothing with no Indian going without it, and when opportunities are thrown open to all equally, that are to be grabbed and used on a footing of competitive strength, and no quotas linked to vote banks. Some commentators are interested only in Tendulkars and cricket, and World Cup, even though a winning cricket match is no recognition of any outstanding muscular/physical strength which goes along with Olympic championships. How many original technologies have we, Indians, produced for Atoomic energy power generation, Fighter planes like LCA, - forget the bygone generations of the Colonial rule, or the mediaeval ages, or the hoary Vedic past, but - even restricted to the recent generations, at least of the post-Independence Era during which umpteen Universities, schools of technology or management, specialized research laboratories were set up ? Nil, or simply negligible if you prefer to insist. What about our way of implementing a democratic government : do the socalled people's representatives really work for the people's interests - uniting them to develop a sense of pride and natonalism which are at the very roots of any achievement; awakening in them a new energy and enthusiasm to compete with the rest of the modern world without allowing ourselves to be sweipt off our own feet on the ground ? How many science Nobel prizes. mathematics Fields Medals and Millennium prizes, are won by us during this Period ? (Ignore Peace and Literature Nobels which it is said are not 'wn' but 'given' for political or other extraneous reasons.) Is our Central government, the way it is formed election after election, really capable keeping us as Indians first and Bengalis, or Marathis, or Keralities, or Tamils, .... only next ? Are we utilizing our national resources meaningfully, for optimum national social benefit ? Take the example of petroluem, much of it continues to be impoted at a heavy foreign exchange cost. Can our roads, given their ridiculous conditions for the most part, really help to ensure a high fuel efficiency for our vehicles' engines ? But, are we really technogically capable of producing vehicle engines which can compete in efficiency on Indian rates with the Japanese engines that are great for the Japanese roads ? Or do we say the Japanese have to help us make such engines and produce cars priced at or two lakh each ! And what is our DAE (Department of Atomic Energy) really doing all these decades - are our scientists at DAE or ISRO anywhere near the goals set for them, or do they just give reasons and explanations for covering up their overall incompetence ? Why should they argue national security being compromised if we have to accept conditions of foreigners for importing their technologies, restricting their use to only peaceful purposes like power generation, and not for making bombs and become another type of terrorirsts not caring for world peace ? Are we, as young generations of an India -that some or our own pseudo-thinker journalists with blissful ignorance depict as heading fast to become a Superpower - capable of thinking originally, to think of the macro cosmos of the modern scientists, let alone about think about 'Irreducible complexity' and ' Intelligent Design' which some Western thinkers have already started seekingt through the Superconscious of our own forgotten and despised Vedas ? Or are we just capable of simple titillation based on cinemas, consumer goods advertisements, and self-deluding writings of idiot journalists with just a gift of the pen, and nothing by way of a keen perception of what is the true nature of our problems ?


At 7/30/2007 11:01 PM , Blogger srivalli said...

ur thoughts are good....but you write very long sentences which makes it difficult to read

At 8/04/2007 11:43 PM , Blogger Muthukaruppan said...

SV -
Thank you. I am quite conscious of this weakness and of the need to correct it. In fact it has been pointed out to me from time to time by my well-wishers who also appreciate my efforts to think through problems. I may tell you - indeed anyone who happens to suffer thus, reading my blog entries and responses - that, this arises because in the first place I am keen that the thread of my thoughts does not get broken by dividing my attention, so to say, on this problem of mine. But I am also aware that so, so many people express nice thoughts in simpler, shorter sentences. I assure here and now that my responses will henceforth be more deliberately shorter and simpler. Thank you.


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